School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Siems

Konferenzen / Symposia / Conventions
Interdisziplinäre Sommerakademien / Workshops

Tanja Siems is the Chair of Urban Design and Head of the IUG Institute for spatial design and planning at the University of Wuppertal since 2009 and currently the Dean of Research and Development for the Faculty of Architecture snd Building Engineering. Since 2010 she is participating in many committees and boards including the examination and the doctoral degree board of the faculty, and the International committee linking the university as an interdisciplinary institution to others worldwide.

2010-present: AG Internationales, examination and doctoral committee for the faculty

2000-2009: co-founder of the Interprofessional Studio AAIS at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London as well as its Director and previously Studio Master. Lecturer for urban design and development in DiplomaUnit14, DiplomaUnit 9, Intermediate Unit 6 & Tutor Foundation Course

1998-present: Director T2 spatialwork Ltd

1997-1998: Research associate at the Institute for Urban Planning and Design, today Leibniz Universität Hannover

Research projects:

Planned 2021-24 international research project "Cities under construction" with European institutions

Planned 2021-23 research project "participative spatial construct as a mediator in the planning process"

2018-20: DBU area sufficiency lab cooperation with the real laboratory Arrenberg (Siems/Siedle)

2013-17: BMWi cooperation IEA SHC Task 51 "Solar energy use in an urban context", international research project, management of subtask D (Siems/Simon)IEA Forschungsprojekt - "Solar Energy in Urban Planning"

2013-16: BMBF "The city as a hydrological system in transition" national research project, management of subtask P 1 (Siems/Geyer) Forschungsprojekt "Die Stadt als hydrologisches System im Wandel" (SaMuWa)


Activities outside of teaching/research:

2021: Performance and temporary structure for the Art Museum in Beijing and the Modern Art Gallery in Shanghai 2020: Urban temporary structure for Seoul Korea in cooperation with Dongsoo Koo

2019: Performance and temporary structure for London in collaboration with Stone nest and Athens in collaboration with the Romantzo

2018: Urban temporary structure for the Concentico Festival in Logrono, Spain Performance and temporary structure for the "To be honest Festival" for Will Alsop and Karl Engelhorn in Las Heras, Spain

2017: Urban temporary structure for the International Biennale INAW, Kraków and for Expats with Stefano Rabolli Pansera at the Mangiabarche Gallery in Calasetta, Sardina, Italy

2016: Performance and temporary structure for Barcelona ReSet for the Enric Miralles Foundation, Placa del Angel and Placa Nova, Barcelona and an Urban temporary structure for the Architectural Triennale Lisbon


2022: "Forschende Lehre - lehrende Forschung" Erfahrungen aus 25 Jahren Lehre und Forschung in England und Deutschland, Publikation erscheint im Birkhäuser Verlag im Herbst 2022

2021: SRL Fachzeitschrift, Planerin 3_21, Informelle Stadtplanung und kooperative Prozesse, Partizipieren im virtuellen Raum

2020/21: Project Review "virtuelle Lehrmethoden", Bedford Press London

2018: SRL Fachzeitschrift, Planerin 5_18, Städtebauliche Planungsmethoden 2018: Solarenergie im städtebaulichen Kontext, Endbericht, TIB Hannover

2018: Lessons learned from case studies of solar Energy in urban Planning, IEA SHC Task 51

2017: Die Stadt als hydrologisches System im Wandel, Schritte zu einem anpassungsfähigen Management des urbanen Wasserhaushalts, Szenarien der Stadt- und Infrastrukturentwicklung, TIB Hannover

2017: Illustrative prospective of solar Energy in urban Planning, IEA SHC Task 51

2017: State of the Art of Education on Solar Energy in Urban Planning, teaching methodologies and results, IEA SHC Task 51